Care in Sugarcane Preparation
Tue, Jun 22
|Weekly Meetup
EVENT NOW FINISHED, watch the recording on our YouTube channel, link in the description below.

Horário e local
Jun 22, 2021, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM GMT-3
Weekly Meetup
Sobre o evento
In this chat, we will discuss the precautions in preparing the soil for planting sugarcane, such as subsoiling, furrowing, etc.
In this chat we will receive:
Rubismar Stolf : Full Professor at UFSCar, Graduated in Agronomy, Esalq-USP; Master in Nuclear Energy at Agriculture CENA-USP and PhD in Agronomy (Soils and Plant Nutrition) at USP. Postdoctoral at North Carolina State University (USA) and University of California (USA), Davis. It works in the area of Soil Management and Conservation and in the area of agricultural mechanization: sugarcane, compaction, tractor/implement. In the area of soil physics, he developed pedotransfer models to estimate total porosity, macro, micro, particle density, maximum soil density, density corresponding to Macroporosity 10% and relative soil density. Developed device for measuring soil resistance "Stolf impact penetrometer". He carried out studies on the balance of water and salt in a dam and on the transposition of the São Francisco River. Professor of the Agronomic Engineering course, Postgraduate Programs in "Agroecology and Rural Development" and "Agriculture and Environment". Disciplines: Soil and plant community management; Agricultural mechanization; Pollution and environmental impacts. Coordinator of the service provision project for the Soil Physics Laboratory at UFSCar.
Octavio Antonio Valsechi (Vico), coordinator of the MTA (Master of Technology Administration) in Sugar-Energy Industrial Management , Agronomist, Master in Food Science and Technology and Doctor in Biological Sciences in the concentration area in Applied Microbiology, Associate Professor in the Department of Technology Agroindustrial and Rural Economy Partner at the Center for Agricultural Sciences at UFSCar and consultant at the UN for the sugar-energy chain.
The live will be transmitted through the link
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